Prerequisite : 105101 Physics I
Basic concepts. Thermodynamic properties, temperature, work and heat. First law. Second law, irreversibilities and entropy. Availability. Tables and charts of properties. Analyses of thermodynamic processes and cycles. Vapor and gas power cycles.
Learning outcomes
This course provides basic concepts of Thermodynamics. Student will be able to describe the basic concepts of Thermodynamics. Student will be able to determine properties of pure substances at different states from property tables. Student will be able to apply the first law of thermodynamics to analyze energy conversion in closed and open systems. Student will be able to apply the second law of thermodynamics and the Carnot cycle to evaluate the thermal efficiency and coefficients of performance for heat engines, refrigerators, and heat pumps. Student will be able to calculate the entropy changes that takes place during processes.

- 课程创建者: PhunpengAssoc.Prof.Dr.Veena