SCI02 7004 Chemical and Laboratory Safety 1(1-0-3) M.Sc. Curriculum
SCI02 8004 Chemical and Laboratory Safety 1(1-0-3) Ph.D. Curriculum
Prerequisite: None
Concepts of chemical and laboratory safety, regulations standards and laws, concepts of hazard and risk assessment, classification of chemical hazards by properties, risk reduction strategies, personal protective equipment, Storage of Hazardous Materials, hazardous waste handling, and accident reporting and situation remediation.
Expected learning outcomes:
- Students will be able to recognize principles of laboratory safety, regulations and related laws.
- Students will be able to classify laboratory hazards and be able to tell risk reduction strategies.
- Students will be able to appropriately handle hazardous waste.
- Students will be able to explain how to remedy the situation in case of accident in laboratory.
- コース作成者: ประยูรโภคราช รศ. ดร.สัญชัย
- コース作成者: วิทยาคุณ ศ. ดร.จตุพร